Studying Informatics in Karlsruhe
IT-Hotspot Karlsruhe
Karlsruhe and the KIT as the center of the TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe offer students of informatics far-reaching opportunities to shape their own future.
On the one hand, valuable contacts can already be established during the studies, both among the students and through HiWi jobs at the KIT or through working student positions or internships in the companies of the region. On the other hand, the proximity to numerous renowned research institutions and to a variety of IT companies opens up a wide range of career opportunities, so that everyone can realize their dream here.
Current opportunities and more can be found under Job & Career below.
The infrastructure of the KIT offers all students the best conditions to master their course of studies.
For example, the KIT provides campus-wide and free WIFI, which is also available in large parts of the adjacent Schlosspark and in cooperation with the WIFI network of the city of Karlsruhe at many public places throughout Karlsruhe. Thus, students are technically free to choose whether they want to study in one of the study rooms, in the library or in the Schlosspark.
Of course, there are also facilities on campus such as the Mensa, where food is available daily, on up to eight different lines. The same goes for the Library, which provides permanent access to electronic media as well as to over 2 million physical media units, as it is open 24 hours a day, every day. In addition, the library also offers a media center for lending technical equipment.
Faculty of Informatics
The Faculty of Informatics offers students support in every aspect of their studies.
For subject-specific questions and organizational problems in the study program, the Informatik Studiengangservice (ISS) is available to assist all informatics students. Likewise, additional learning materials can be purchased from the students of the Fachschaft Mathematik-Informatik and content-related questions about the course of study can be discussed. For informatics students, the Abteilung Technische Infrastruktur (ATIS) in the faculty building offers additional pool rooms with computers and special software. In addition, the Fakultätsbibliothek (faculty library) in the informatics building (50.34) provides subject-specific media and further study spaces as well as group study rooms.
Entry into Studies
At the beginning of their studies, first-year students are confronted with many new procedures and challenges. In order to avoid initial difficulties, there are various offers at the KIT which are intended to facilitate an easy start into this new phase of life.
With this in mind, Support during your Studies offers numerous offers of help, especially for first-year students. These include the course eezi, the mentoring program, and Info2. eezi is a module that presents methodical approaches to the challenges of studying and provides students with tips for the first semester. The mentoring program enables direct contact with mentors from higher semesters who can introduce you to everyday study life, and also implements regulars' table meetings and small information evenings. Info2 includes short, informative videos on general tips and tricks for studying, as well as information events that focus on specific topics or subjects. In addition, you can already get to know your future fellow students during the O-Phase (Information Systems; Informatics Teacher Education) of the faculties.

First Steps at KIT

Living in Karlsruhe

Mobility in Karslruhe

Student financing

KIIS Scholarship

Studying at KIT

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Studying under special circumstances

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Job & Career