The Master's program in Computer Science
Like the Master's programme in Informatics, the Master's programme in Computer Science at KIT emphasises high quality teaching and a wide range of courses in all areas of computer science. Courses in the MSc in Computer Science are taught entirely in English, so no knowledge of German is required for successful completion of the programme.
The programme combines a sound and broad education with a specialisation in at least two of the many areas of computer science (e.g. theoretical computer science, algorithm technology, cryptography and security, parallel processing, embedded systems design and computer architecture, telematics, robotics and automation, anthropomatics and cognitive systems, system architecture).
Two specialisation subjects form the core of the programme. The scope of a specialisation subject, in which a specialisation in an area of computer science takes place, is not limited. The breadth of the course is ensured by a variety of optional modules. The course is supplemented by content from another subject area (supplementary subject) and by the teaching of social skills and the ability to work in a team (as interdisciplinary qualifications).
The following specialization areas are available:
- Theoretical Foundations
- Algorithm Engineering
- Cryptography and Security
- Parallel Computing
- Design of Embedded Systems and Computer Architectures
- Telematics
- Robotics and Automation
- Anthropomatics and Cognitive Systems
- System Architecture
Master's profiles
The KIT Department of Informatics offers nine different profiles in the Master's program in Computer Science. If you attend the courses required by a profile, you will receive a certificate of the special knowledge acquired in the profile in addition to your Master's certificate.
Profiles should be seen as a possibility of structuring the Master's degree program and do not require any additional effort. It is still possible to study for a Master's degree without a profile with a specialization of your choice. The degrees are equivalent. The examination regulations for the Master's degree program remain unchanged.
Qualification goals
In the Master's degree course in Computer Science, the scientific qualifications acquired in the Bachelor's degree course are further deepened and supplemented; students acquire the ability to carry out scientific work. Graduates of the Master's degree program in Computer Science have the following skills in particular:
- Methods of computer science (core competence)
They are able to independently apply and further develop the scientific findings and methods of computer science and to evaluate their significance and scope for solving complex scientific and social problems. They can successfully master complex application-related and research-oriented tasks both within computer science and in related subject areas. - Communication
You can present and convey computer science topics in written and spoken form and discuss them convincingly with experts and non-specialists. - Team and project work
You can work in interdisciplinary teams and plan and organize team and project work. - Social relevance (civic engagement)
You are aware of the social relevance of computer science and can act responsibly accordingly. - Further training (personal development)
You will be able to adapt to new technologies and transfer your knowledge to future developments.
The program concludes with a Master's thesis and the academic degree "Master of Science" (M.Sc.).
Daten und Fakten zum Studiengang
Akademischer Grad | Master of Science, M.Sc. |
Zulassungsbeschränkung | ja |
Voraussetzungen | Ein bestandener Bachelorabschluss oder mindestens gleichwertiger Abschluss in dem Bachelorstudiengang Informatik oder einem Studiengang mit im Wesentlichen gleichem Inhalt an einer Universität, Fachhochschule oder Berufsakademie oder Dualen Hochschule oder an einer ausländischen Hochschule. (s. Auswahlsatzung für Details) |
Studienbeginn | zum Winter- und Sommersemester |
Regelstudienzeit | 4 Semester |
maximale Studienzeit | 7 Semester |
Berufsbilder | zu den Alumniporträts |
Masterprofil |
Die KIT-Fakultät für Informatik bietet neun verschiedene Profile im Masterstudium an. Profile sind als Strukturierung des Masterstudiums zu sehen und erfordern keinen Mehraufwand. Belegt man die von einem Profil geforderten Veranstaltungen, so erhält man zusätzlich zum Zeugnis ein Zertifikat über die besonderen Kenntnisse.Ein Masterstudium ohne Profile mit selbst gewählten Schwerpunkten ist weiterhin möglich und vollkommen gleichwertig. zu den Masterprofilen |