Faculty Council

Academic year 2023/2024

Representatives of the professors

Prof. B. Beckert (KIT Dean)
Prof. I. Schaefer (Vice Dean)
Prof. M. Beigl (Vice Dean)
Prof. G. Neumann (Dean of Studies)
Prof. F. Bellosa
T.-T.-Prof. Th. Bläsius
Prof. C. Dachsbacher
T.-T.-Prof. P. Friederich
Prof. U. Hanebeck
Prof. H. Hartenstein
Prof. W. Karl
Prof. A. Koziolek (Dean of Studies)
Prof. J. Müller-Quade
Prof. J. Niehues
Prof. H. Prautzsch
Prof. R. Reussner
Prof. P. Sanders
Prof. A. Streit
Prof. Th. Strufe
T.-T.-Prof. Chr. Wressnegger
Prof. M. Zitterbart

Representatives of the academic staff

Dr. M. Kirsten
Dr. C. Debus
Dr. M. Ulbrich
M. Tiepelt

Representative of non-academic staff

Chr. Brand

Representatives of the students

F. Aisenbrey
Y. Enss
E. Häußler
U. Karabacak
A. Kutschera

Officer for equal opportunities (in advisory capacity)

I. Gheța
Y. Matz

Permanent guests

L. Bunjes
N. Maas
Dr. P. Schäfer
Dr. P. Steinhaus