Internatiol Student Office / Porapak Apichodilok

News I News Archive

Professorin Dorothea WagnerAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
First KIT Senior Professorship for Computer Scientist Wagner

New academic dignity secures the knowledge and experience of proven academics and creates continuity of supervision. [4.12.2024]

Professor Gerhard NeumannBMBF/PLS/Thilo Schoch
Robotics: KIT researcher receives ERC Consolidator Grant

Professor Gerhard Neumann receives around 2.4 million euros for his research into autonomously learning robots. [3.12.2024]

Die beiden KIT-Teams Kindergarten Timelimit und Infinite LoopersKIT
A class of its own

KIT at NWERC 2024: top international performance and a historic result. [28.11.2024]

Algorithmen verbessern medizinische Bilderkennung von TumorenGatidis S, Kuestner T. (2022)
AI: algorithms improve the analysis of medical images

KIT researchers among the best teams at the international AutoPET competition. [22.11.2024]



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