Tutorial schedule summer semester 2024
Computer-aided registration for tutorials
of the lectures for the degree programs
"Computer Science"
"Business Informatics"
in the summer semester 2024.
Registration was possible in the time from
Tuesday, the 16.04.2024, 18:00 o'clock
Friday, 19.04.2024, 12:00 noon (*).
For Softwaretechnik I, registration is possible until Friday, 19.04.2024, 23:59.
Instructions and tutorial dates (PDF): Leaflet tutorial schedule SoSe24
- For Algorithmen I, the date Tue. 08:00 - 09:30 for tutorial 03 has been replaced by Mon. 17:30 - 19:00. If you have already graded tutorial 3, you may need to grade it again for the new date.
- In Algorithmen I, tutorial 10 Tue. 17:30 - 19:00 has been deleted and a new date (tutorial 23 Thu. 17:30 - 19:00) has been added.
- Many tutors have swapped dates for Algorithmen I. You can see all changes on the "Merkblatt Tutorieneinteilung SoSe24"
- You can now also set up learning groups for Algorithmen I tutorials
- Tutorial #3 for Algorithmen I has been moved to room -120 in bldg. 50.34
Missed the registration?
If you have missed the deadline for registration or would like to attend another tutorial for an important reason, please contact the person responsible for the respective course (see list below) to register for a tutorial at a later date:
Digitaltechnik und Entwurfsverfahren: Mr. Lehmann, e-mail: roman.lehmann∂kit.edu
Softwaretechnik I: Herr Eichhorn, E-Mail: domenik.eichhorn∂kit.edu
Lineare Algebra II für Informatiker: Mr. Wackenhuth, maximilian.wackenhuth∂kit.edu
Lineare Algebra II für Mathematiker: Mr. Blatz, alexander.blatz∂kit.edu
Höhere Mathematik II für Informatiker: Mr. Heister, e-mail: henning.heister∂kit.edu
Brief description
Here you can register for web-based tutorials. While the entry is activated, you rate all tutorials according to how well you like the date and/or tutor. The actual allocation only takes place after the registration days, again computer-aided. This procedure ensures that every student has the same chance of being assigned to a tutorial.
Learning groups
You can form a separate study group with up to four other fellow students for each tutorial you wish to attend. This learning group will be assigned to a tutorial together. The group founder assigns grades and receives a learning group URL when saving. He gives this to the other LG members. They can use it to join the group. Only the group founder can make changes to the assessments. It is only possible to leave the learning group if you log out of this tutorial completely (you then have to log in again and assign your own assessments). If the founder of the learning group logs out, another group member becomes the founder.