Succesful election

Successful election

Prof. Uwe Hanebeck was elected to the ISIF Presidium for 2 years.

Uwe D. Hanebeck has been elected as president of the International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF) for the year 2023 and as vice-president for 2022.
Founded in 1998, ISIF is the premier global resource for multidisciplinary approaches for theoretical and applied information fusion technologies. Its managing board of 20 directors is responsible for the annual "International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)" and its flagship journal "Journal of Advances in Information Fusion (JAIF)".

Uwe D. Hanebeck is head of the Chair of Intelligent Sensor-Actuator Systems (ISAS) at the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics. His research interests are in information fusion, nonlinear state estimation and control, system modeling, and system identification with a focus on theoretical foundations. The theoretical results are used in various applications in robotics, telepresence, aerospace, medical technology, and sensor networks. He has authored and co-authored more than 450 publications in various high impact international journals and conference proceedings and has been involved in various positions in numerous international conferences and congresses. He is also a permanent member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF), Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Advances in Information Fusion (JAIF), and IEEE Fellow.