Information Events of the ISS


How 2 Thesis - will be held in English

Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 17:45-19:15
KIT, Campus Süd
Geb. 50.34
Raum -102
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe
& Zoom

In this event, students of informatics and information systems who intend on writing their final theses. This workshop provides an overview to doing a thesis offers practical tips and valuable advice to guide you through the thesis process.


You can ask questions in english or german.

Informatik Studiengangservice ISS
Fakultät für Informatik
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Am Fasanenegarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe
Mail: eezi does-not-exist.informatik kit edu